Michigan Dining offers a forward-thinking program that delivers high-quality food, service, hospitality and a learning environment for our students and campus community. Michigan Dining leads, feeds and contributes to the education, health, and experience of our community, environment, and staff. Michigan Dining strives to provide a dining experience in Martha Cook that is based on community, health, and wellness, and is central to the life of the building. The Martha Cook meal plan provides all meals exclusively in Martha Cook Dining, with the exception of Saturday dinner, where residents may swipe into other residential dining halls. Residents visiting North Campus Monday through Friday may also swipe into Bursley Dining Hall for lunch.
Unlike other dining halls on campus, M Dining is for residents only and their guests.
Visit the Martha Cook Dining webpage for more information, and here are a few things to know:
Residents are expected to have their MCard in their possession whenever they enter the dining room. Residents must swipe their MCard using the card reader at the dining entrance at every meal to ensure accurate counts of people entering the dining hall at every meal.
Hours-of-operation signs are posted at the dining entrance, and online at the MDining website. There are times during the school year when the meal hours change, for example: during exams and before Breaks. These revised meal hours will also be posted at the dining entrance and on the web site.
No dishes, silverware, or glasses are to be removed from the dining room. Carry out of food is limited to a cookie or a piece of fruit.
To-Go Meals
Meal hours have been established to accommodate most diners. However, if you cannot return to Martha Cook during the scheduled meal times you may elect to request a “To-Go Meal.” To-Go Meals are available Monday - Friday. Place your order online through the MDining website. Pick-Up your meal from a staff member in the servery area. When you use this option you forfeit the privilege of going through the serving line during that meal. Residents are reminded to abide by MDining policy and the Martha Cook Honor Code when using this option.
Feel Better Meals
You may obtain a Feel Better Meal if you are ill and cannot attend regular meals. Consult the MDining website to complete and submit the Feel Better Meal online request form. Meals will be served on compostable paper products. For your convenience, have a roommate or friend pick up your meal for you.
Special Dietary Needs and Restrictions
We serve a variety of foods with a healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and limited amounts of fat. But it is up to the individual student to make their own healthy food and beverage choices. The expertise of a Dining nutrition specialist is available to any Martha Cook resident who wants extra help with food selections. If you have any food allergies or cannot eat certain foods, let us know. We will work with you to help you select the right foods.
Your guests are welcome to dine with you; however, they must pay for the meal by using Blue Bucks that have been loaded on an MCard. Paid guests may be invited to dine at almost any meal. Exceptions include special dinners such as the Dinner for New Women, the Dinner for Graduating Women, and the Messiah Dinner.
If you have a guest visiting but not eating, please ask permission from a dining service supervisor for your guest to accompany you into the dining room.
Special Dining Events
The Martha Cook Building has many rich traditions that bring residents together at mealtimes. In September, all new residents are welcomed at a special dinner in their honor. Throughout the year, friends and faculty are invited as guests to dine with the residents. In December, the annual Handel’s Messiah Dinner provides residents an opportunity to reflect on the community they have built together over the last semester and a short musical program is presented by residents. Graduates are honored at the final sit-down dinner of winter term, and a commencement lunch is offered to them and to their families on graduation day.
Sit-Down Dinners
Sit-down dinners are served on designated Sunday nights. Just before 5:00 pm, the dining staff opens the doors to the dining room and residents enter the dining room together. Residents are asked to fill in the four large tables in the center of the dining room first, before filling the surrounding smaller tables. While still standing at the tables, the traditional Martha Cook Grace is sung by all.
The Martha Cook Grace:
Oh Power of Love, all-knowing, tender, ever near
Our thanks for bounty now we render, gathered here,
Oh guard our friendship’s circle ever,
See that naught its firm bonds sever,
From year to year.
Similarly, those residents needing to leave after the main course may leave as dishes are being cleared. Please keep early departures to a minimum, especially for our special dinners. A Staff member will signal the end of the meal, per tradition.
Special themed buffets are served once each week on Thursdays during the dinner meal as well as during special occasions throughout the year.
Comments and suggestions are always welcome via the comment box in the dining room or in person to the Dining Services supervisor or manager.